Научный журнал "Аграрный вестник Верхневолжья" 

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В редакции Перечня ВАК от 21.10.2022 года 4. Сельскохозяйственные науки 4.1.1. Общее земледелие и растениеводство (сельскохозяйственные науки) 4.1.3. Агрохимия, агропочвоведение, защита и карантин растений (сельскохозяйственные науки) 4.2. Зоотехния и ветеринария 4.2.1. Патология животных, морфология, физиология, фармакология и токсикология (ветеринарные науки) 4.2.4. Частная зоотехния, кормление, технологии приготовления кормов и производства продукции животноводства (сельскохозяйственные науки) 4.2.5. Разведение, селекция, генетика и биотехнология животных (сельскохозяйственные науки) 4.3. Агроинженерия и пищевые технологии 4.3.1. Технологии, машины и оборудование для агропромышленного комплекса (технические науки)

Issued on 21.10.2022
4. Agricultural sciences
4.1.1. General agriculture and crop production;
4.1.3. Agrochemistry, agro-soil science, plant protection and quarantine;
4.2. Animal science and veterinary medicine
4.2.1. Animal pathology, morphology, physiology, pharmacology and toxicology;
4.2.4. Special animal husbandry, feeding, technologies of feed preparation and production of livestock products
4.2.5. Breeding, selection, genetics and biotechnology of animals; 
4.3. Agroengineering and food technologies
4.3.1. Technologies, machinery and equipment for agro-industrial complex (technical sciences)

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Scientific Degree

Place of work

Bausov Aleksey Mikhailovich, Editor-in-chief

Professor, Doctor of Sc., Engineering

Rector of FSBEI HE Ivanovo State Agricultural Academy

Ryabov Dmitriy Anatolievich, Deputy Editor-in-chief

Professor, Cand of Sc., Agriculture

Vice-rector on educational and scientific work of FSBEI HE Ivanovo State Agricultural Academy.

Balakirev Nikolai Aleksandrovich


Academician of RAS, Professor, Doctor of Sc., Agriculture

Vice-rector on science and innovations, FSBEI HE «Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after K.I. Skryabin»

Buyarov Viktor Sergeevich

Professor, Doctor of Sc., Agriculture

Professor of the department of Special Zootechny and Farm Animals Breeding, FSBEI HE «Orlov Agrarian University named after N.V. Parakhin»

Vasin Alexey Vasilievich

Professor, Doctor of Sc., Agriculture

Vice-rector on scientific work FSBEI HE Samara State Agricultural Academy

Volkhonov Mikhail Stanislavovich

Professor, Doctor of Sc., Engineering

Vice-rector on scientific work FSBEI HE Kostroma State Agricultural Academy

Voronova Lyudmila Viktorovna


Professor, Cand of Sc., Economics


Professor of FSBEI HE «Yaroslavl State University named after P.G.Demidov».

Vorotnikov Igor Leonidovich

Professor, Doctor of Sc., Economics


Vice-rector on scientific work and innovations  FSBEI HE Saratov State Agrarian University

Dmitriev Dmitriy Olegovich


Assoc.prof., Cand of Sc., Economics


The Deputy of Ivanovo regional Duma of the sixth convocation

Zavalin Aleksey Anatolievich


Academician of RAS, Professor, Doctor of Sc., Agriculture

Academician-secretary of Agriculture Department of RAS,  head of sector agriculture, melioration, water and forestry, Agriculture Department of RAS

Zubenko Elvira Viktorovna


Professor, Doctor of Sc., Agriculture


Professor of the Department of general and special zootechny, FSBEI HE Ivanovo State Agricultural Academy.

Ilyin Leonid Innokentievich

Cand of Sc., Economics

Director of SSI «Vladimir scientific - research institute of Agriculture»

Irgashev Almazbek Shukurbaevich


Professor, Doctor of Sc., Veterinary


The first vice-rector on educational work, Kyrgyz National Agrarian University named after K.I. Skryabin

Isaitchev Vitaly Alexandrovich

Academician of RANS, Professor, Doctor of Sc., Agriculture, honored science and technology worker of Ulyanovsk region

The first vice-rector on scientific work FSBEI HE Ulyanovsk State Agrarian University

Kolesnikov Andrey Viktorovich

Professor, Doctor of Sc., Economics

Vice-rector on scientific work, FSBEI HE «Belgorod State Agricultural Academy named after V.Ya. Gorin»

Komissarov Vladimir Vyacheslavovich, Executive Secretary

Professor, Doctor of Sc., History

Professor of FSBEI HE Ivanovo State Agricultural Academy

Kornev Grigoriy Nikolaevich


Professor, Doctor of Sc., Economics

Professor of FSBEI HE Ivanovo State Agricultural Academy

Kryuchkova Elena Nikolaevna

Professor, Doctor of Sc., Veterinary

The Dean of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology in Animal husbandry, FSBEI HE Ivanovo State Agricultural Academy

Mukhanov Nikolai Vyacheslavovich


Assoc.prof., Cand of Sc., Engineering

The Dean of Engineering Faculty, FSBEI HE Ivanovo State Agricultural Academy

Nekrasov Dmitriy Konstantinovich

Professor, Doctor of Sc., Agriculture

The Head of the Department of general and Special Zootechny, FSBEI HE «Ivanovo State Agricultural Academy named after D. K. Belyaev».

Nenaidenko Georgiy Nikolaevich

Professor, Doctor of Sc., Agriculture

Honored worker of Science, professor of Agrochemistry and Agriculture department of FSBEI HE Ivanovo State Agricultural Academy.

Nurgaziev Rysbek Zaryldykovich

Professor, Doctor of Sc., Veterinary

Rector of Kyrgyz National Agrarian University named after K.I. Skryabin, the Corresponding member of National Academy of Science, Kyrgyz Republic

Pigorev Igor Yakovlevich

Professor, Doctor of Sc., Agriculture

Vice-rector on scientific work and innovations  FSBEI HE Kursk State Agricultural Academy

Ponomarev Vsevolod Alexeevich


Professor, Doctor of Sc., Biology


Professor of the department of selection, ecology and land use planning, FSBEI HE «Ivanovo State Agricultural Academy named after D. K. Belyaev».

Pronin Valeriy Vasilievich

Professor, Doctor of Sc., Biology

The Head of the Department of morphology, physiology and veterinary-sanitary expertise, FSBEI HE Ivanovo State Agricultural Academy

Rodimtsev Sergei Alexandrovich

Assoc. prof., Doctor of Sc., Engineering

Vice-rector on scientific work FSBEI HE «Orlov Agrarian University named after N.V. Parakhin»

Smelik Viktor Aleksandrovich

Professor, Doctor of Sc., Engineering

Professor, FSBEI HE «Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University»

Solovjev Alexey Alexandrovich, Executive Secretary

Professor , Doctor of Sc., History

The Head of the Department of Humanitarian and Social Disciplines, The Head of  the Department of Science and Innovations, FSBEI HE Ivanovo State Agricultural Academy

Sudarev Nikolay Petrovich

Professor, Doctor of Sc., Agriculture

Professor of the department of General and and Private Animal husbandry, FSBEI HE «Tver State Agricultural Academy».

Tarasov Alexey Leonidovich

Assoc.prof., Cand of Sc., Agriculture


The Head of Faculty of Agrotechnologies and agribusiness, FSBEI HE Ivanovo State Agricultural Academy.

Torikov Vladimir Efimovich

Professor, Doctor of Sc., Agriculture, Honored worker of agriculture of the Russian Federation, Honorary worker of higher education of the Russian Federation, Honorary agricultural chemist

Vice-rector on scientific work FSBEI HE Bryansk State Agrarian University

Turkov Vladimir Georgievich

Professor, Doctor of Sc., Veterinary

The Head of the Department of Obstetrics, Surgery and non-contagious diseases in animals, FSBEI HE Ivanovo State Agricultural Academy.

Firsova Elena Anatolievna

Professor, Doctor of Sc., Economics

Vice-rector on scientific work, FSBEI HE Tver State Agricultural Academy

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